For small and large numbers, for the typical cramped kitchen of the historic centers and large kitchens organized large-scale, Lotus spa can count on two great strengths: the articulation, designed for every range keeping in mind the different compatible dimensions and the design, for range of models that can be perfectly integrated and coordinated with each other whilst maintaining the harmony and the functionality/performance of the service.
With the 6 base depth available - 50/55/60/65/70/90 - LOTUS spa combines an infinite variety of solutions and allows to create new original depth at any time: 110/120/130/140/150/180. Lotus offers everything you need for standard in-line, wall, cantilever, bridge or island and eventually particular built-in solutions: FreeLotus and FreeBlock. Last but not least, Lotus offers specific solutions for the nautical world with the assurance of reliability, performance and attractive appearance.
LOTUS spa designs and verify dimensions, measures, different powers, new or additional equipment, such as salamanders, grills, lava rock, ceramic floors, pans, as well as technological innovations such as the induction, the wok, the sousvide/vacuum cooking and the softcooker which improve the functionality of a kitchen and respond flexibly to new needs of traditional, multi-ethnic and international levels.
Modularity and easy compatibility, security and freedom of assembly, availability of accessories to support, are the requirements of the wide range of distinctive lines and models LOTUS spa, style is unmistakably "made in Italy" which guarantees to work in an environment more pleasant, efficient and efficient.